Sunday, May 2, 2010

No major strides in my faith journey this week. I've been wrestling with insecurity. I need to grasp that God is fully capable of using me...just as I am.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Moving on...

The 40-day Discipleship Dare has been over since mid-February...but living out the dares has continued.

In fact, I am currently using "The Discipleship Dare" with 3 teen girls at my church.  We are about half-way through the book.

But, if you're interested, I have started a new series of blogs I'm entitling "Faith in 2010".  Basically, I am blogging the journey I'm on of being unemployed, seeking a job and seeking God's direction for full-time ministry.  I have just started this blog so there's no time like the present to hop on over and check-out what's happening.

It's going to be a wild ride, so hang on for all it's worth!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 40 - Be a GIVER!

For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.  John 3:16

Sacrificial Giving???  Most people struggle with "out of my excess" giving...but God has called us to sacrificial giving.

I remember hearing a woman speak who had the opportunity to go to Calcutta, India.  She was working in the same orphanages that Mother Theresa was working in.  She spent the week touching and loving the unlovables.  She hugged leppers.  She loved the orphans.  She gave until she had nothing left to give.  At the end of the week, she had the opportunity to meet Mother Theresa.  M.T. asked her, "Did you give until you had nothing left to give?".  The woman said, "yes."  M.T. replied, "Now give some more."  That's sacrificial giving - when you give until you have nothing left to give, then you give some more.

It's easy to throw a $20 bill in the basket for a missionary or whatever on a Sunday morning, when that $20 is out of the excess of our budget.  But how many of us would reach into our wallet and give the $5 bill if it were the last $5 for the week and we needed gas for our car or a snack on the way home?  We give out of our excess, but we don't often give sacrificially.

Jesus gave everything He had for the advancement of the Kingdom and out of obedience to His Father.  He gave up his rightful place at the right-hand of the Father.  He stopped at nothing, eventually giving His very life!

I want to be a sacrificial giver, giving everything I have out of obedience to God.  I want to be the hands and feet of Jesus (or as I've heard, Jesus with skin on).

Father - Help me to see ways to be a sacrificial giver in my family, my community, my church so that others would see Jesus in me.

God dares me to give sacrificially - to give until it hurts, then share Christ.

I am daring you, if you haven't already, to start "The Discipleship Dare" by Jess Bousa.  This has been an amazing 40-days that has challenged and helped me to grow in my relationship with Christ.  Please check-out his web-site at for ordering info.  It's definitely worth the investment!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 39 - Called to Serve

Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.  Matthew 20:28

If there's anyone on the face of the planet at any point in history who had the right and the position and the authority to claim themself to be GREAT and MIGHTY - it was Jesus!

But He didnt!

He didn't come to be served, He came to serve.  He came to set the example for His disciples and the people of God (us) to be servants.  He led by example.  He didn't flaunt His rightful place and position, He flaunted His love and humility - through acts of service. 

Serving others is not always an easy task.  It's easy to serve people you like and love.  It's easy to serve nice people who are nice to you.  But it's not always easy to serve the unlovely or those who are mean or cruel towards you.  Yet, Jesus served Judas, the one who would betray Him.  He washed His feet, even though He would deliver Him to His death. 

We are to be shining examples of be a servant.  We should be as Jesus, donning the towel and bowing before the feet of others.  We should do so - lovingly - with the love of Christ.  He showed His love by serving others.  He showed His love by ultimately giving His life on the cross, hanging shamelessly before all the world.  He did so, to serve mankind.

May I be an example of Christ's love in my SERVE.  May I learn to love and serve others with the same grace and humility that Jesus showed.  May I serve those who are lovely and may I serve those who are not.  May there not be anyone that I wouldn't be willing to serve!

Father - Help me to improve my serve for you.  Help me to humble myself, take up the towel and gently and lovingly wash the feet of those whom you've given me to serve!  In Jesus Name - Amen.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 38 - Called to Love

Jesus replied, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it:  Love your neighbor as yourself.  All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.  Matthew 22:37-40

You know what God reminded me of - how His love is unconditional.  No matter where I was at in life, no matter what wrongs I've committed or words I've said against Him, HE STILL LOVES ME!

There is nothing that I can do to have Him love me any more...there's nothing I can do to have Him love me any less.  That is HIS unconditional love towards me.

In the same manner, we are to love Him back - unconditionally.  It's not God and...It's just GOD!  I want to love Him with all my heart and my soul and my strength. 

He is also asking us to extend this same love - the love He gave to us unconditionally...the love that we are extending to Him - to others.  People have enough hate in their loves.  Isn't it time for God's people to do what we were created to do - love???

We easily show our love and affection to those close to us.  Sometimes, we even show God's love in practical ways to our neighbors and friends.  But, when was the last time you loved, expecting nothing in return?  I've had the opportunity to go to the New Orleans area 3 x's since the hurricanes hit.  Each time, I participated in various relief / rebuilding efforts.  I don't know how many times I would be sanding drywall or hammering a nail in a roofing shingle and have tears flowing down my cheeks.  This was my act of love for someone I didn't even know.  Every swipe of the sandpaper...every pound on the act of love.

This weekend, a great opportunity was given to the people of God in the Northeast - a record snowfall.  It was a great opportunity for the people of God to get off their duffs and show some practical love to their neighbors.  You know what I'm talking about - a shovel...some driveway...some sidewalk...

God is daring us to love on another without any returns, not expecing anything in return.  Today, I prayerfully resolve to make loving God priority #1 and loving people a daily habit!

Day 37 - Called to Forgive

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me?  Up to seven times?" Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times."  Matthew 18:21-22

Forgiveness is no easy thing for humans.  We love to keep records of wrongs done against us.  But God is asking us to forgive again...then, when you've forgiven, forgive again.  What Jesus is saying in these words is not how many times up to an exact number that we are to forgive...He is saying, "Don't keep count." 

The same forgivenss that was extened to me when I came to the cross of Calvary is the same forgiveness I am to extend to others.  I don't know about you, but when I came to Christ, I asked Him to forgive me of EVERYTHING!  That means, I am to forgive EVERYTHING! 

I can't change what's happened in the past, but I can change how I act and respond in the future. 

I don't need to be a doormat and say, "It's ok." everytime I've been wronged, but I do need to have an attitude of love and mercy (the same attitude Christ had for me) extended to those who've wronged me.

I take today's DARE to be a person who forgives people, no matter how great their sin or how hard their heart.  And, to be a person who asks for forgiveness when I have wronged someone.

Day 36 - Called to Live

The thief (DEVIL) comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.  I (JESUS) am the good shepherd.  The good shepherd lays down is life for the sheep.  John 10:10-11

Is my life passionate for God?  Am I living a life worth dying for?  God wants me to live an outright passionate life for Him.  That's the kind of life that draws attention to Him.  A lifeless life produces lifeless followers - how ever few.  A passionate life produces passionate followers hungry for more of God.

God is not impressed with the lifeless laziness (complacency) that comes from a majority of the church.  He's looking for people who are hungry for Him, who are passionate about the things of God, who are fishermen who are using LIFE-GIVING bait. 

I want fresh.  I want passion.  I want hunger. 

I want GOD!

Father - you have called me to live.  I want to live for you.  May I be full of your passion - full of your life - may I live my life worthy of dying for!  In Jesus Name - AMEN.

DAY 35 - Words of Life and Death

The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat it's fruit.  Proverbs 18:21

I have been feeling God's call to be an Evangelist.  It was a call He placed on my life many years ago, but only recently has it been renewed and stirred within me. 

This study today reminded me of that call.

God is calling me to be a speaker of His life-giving TRUTH.  My purpose:  to speak words that bring LIFE.  There are people who will be given eternal life by my words.  There are those who will be given a new outlook on their faith (revival) because of the life-giving words God is placing in my heart to speak.

God is calling me to be His witness!  I have the power to give life to the dead and the dying by the Word of God and direct revelation from God.

Father - be the source of LIFE in the words I speak.  May I be careful not to speak death, but to speak life in all I say.  In Jesus Name - AMEN!

DAY 34 - Gentle Words

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.  Proverbs 15:1

It's important I keep my heart pure before God.  What I think and feel comes out in what I say and how I act.  It's all related.  What goes in, comes out.  What I feed, grows.  What I think, I become.  I need to ask God first before speaking - to have God fill my heart with more of Him and less of me!  

Being gentle does not come naturally to me.  But day-by-day, God is teaching me, changing me.  helping me to be more and more like Him.

God is daring me to always communicate gentleness!  I take today's dare to always be mindful of others when communicating - and be gentle!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 33 - Use Edifying Words

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.  Ephesians 4:29

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me."  Child-hood Rhyme

If  names will never hurt me, then why are there so many therapists out there dealing with adults who were verbally abused during their childhood?  Why are there so many hurts related to statements and phrases in my past?  Why do certain words cause me to cringe when I hear them?

BECAUSE there's power behind those words - power to build-up or power to tear-down.  Our spirit knows it.  Ask any teenager.  Ask any adult.  Words can HURT!

I have learned in the past (and still continue to learn) that what I say does matter.  I have a tendency to think negatively about things.  I size them up and have my opinions.  But I think I do a pretty good job of keeping it in my head.  but I am learning that even though I don't say it, there is some "seepage" in my actions and attitudes.  God is dealing with that in my life.

God is also dealing with the issue that I may not be spewing out negativity, but I am not very good at spewing out the positive, encouraging stuff either.  Lately, I find myself needing to tell people encouraging things.  Tell me I appreciate when...tell them I'm proud of them...tell them I love them.

God is daring us today to build people up - to only speak edifying words.  I resolve to not speak negative, but be overflowing with encouragement and compassion!

Day 32 - Vain Words

You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.  Exodus 20:7

I don't swear, not even a little.  My swear words are "Crap" and "that sucks".  Ok, some might think those are swear words, but that's me.   I don't swear or use curse words.  Never did, and hopefully, never will.

But I did find that this dare still speaks to me.

I may not use the Lord's name as a curse word, but how often do I use His name otherwise? 

For example, know what I'm talking about...OM_!

When I'm exciting or surprised ... Oh my G___.

I need to learn to revere His name and keep His name holy.  His name is not a curse-word.  It's not a name for excitement. 

Father God - Your Name is above all names.  Your name is Holy.  The name of Jesus has so much power to heal, to save, to deliver, to set-free.  May I always be reminded of this, and only lift your name in Honor and Glory.  In Jesus' Name - AMEN!

Day 31 - Truthful Words

Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, 'Do not break your oath, but keep the oaths you have made to the Lord.'  But I tell you, 'Do not swear at all; either by heaven, for it is God's throne; or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King.  And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black.  Simply let your 'Yes' be 'Yes' and your 'No', 'No;' anything beyond this comes from the evil one.  Matthew 5:33-37

This study reminded me of a time I was challenged on my word while I was in college.  I was a leader in one college ministry on campus, but I wanted to join another college ministry on campus, which would mean I needed to step down from my ministry role.  I had talked to the campus leader about this decision and he brought this scripture to me.  I made the decision to finish out my ministry leadership role due to the fact that I had already made the commitment to do so.  This is a lesson I have learned and kept throughout my entire Christian walk since.

God also spoke to me about being more transparent with my close friends about the things I struggle with.  He is challenging me to open everything up inside to allow His work to be completed.  I tend to be a strong person that doesn't share very many of my thoughts and/or struggles.

Despite this countenance of strenght, I carry around way too many insecurities that need to go.  I am fearful that I will show weakness - my humanity.  I will appear flawed and be thought of as less.  But, God is strongly dealing with me in these areas to remind me that no matter what I do, I can't make Him love me any less or any more than He already does!

Today's Dare - speak truthfully to all people all the time.  Never swear on anything.  Tell the truth at all times, no matter what.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 30 - Control your Tongue

For out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.  Matt 12:34

As I'm thinking about this study today, I am reminded of those three little monkeys and the saying:

Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.

What you see and what you hear - you speak.  What you watch with your eyes (TV, movies, internet, gaming, etc...), what you hear with your ears (TV, movies, internet, music, friends, etc...) becomes what you say.

Interesting.  What goes in - goes out.  "for out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks"...

So, if what comes out of my mouth, comes from the overflow of my heart, the question must be asked, "What am I feeding my heart?"  If I'm struggling with language, than maybe I need to be more careful what I'm listening to (or maybe who I am listening to).

I want my mouth to be out of the overflow of the anointing and the Word of God planted in my heart.  If I want that, then I need to be feeding my heart the word of God and listening to anointed preachers and spending time listening to God's Voice.

I've felt the call of an Evangelist Preacher on my life for almost as long as I have been saved.  If I want to be the mouthpiece of God, I need to have the heart of God.  If I want the heart of God, I better be spending times with God, doing the things of God, reading the Word of God.

Today's dare - CONTROL MY TONGUE!  I prayerfully resolve only to speak words that communicate value to God and His people!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 29 - Go Fishing!

As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew.  They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen.  "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."  Matthew 4:18-19

I like the Ancient Proverb - Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day.  Teach a man how to fish, he'll eat for a lifetime.

It can be similar to discipleship.  Lead one man to Christ, but don't disciple him, you've led one man to Christ.  But lead a man to Christ and then disciple him and teach him how to lead others to Christ and disciple them, then we've got some mad multiplication happening in the kingdom of God.

When the disciples were called, they weren't out leisurely fishing, as you and I may do.  They were out making a living, doing what they do to feed and provide for their families.  Jesus called them to be fishers of men, an analogy they would understand.  He didn't want them throwing nets and trying to snare the fish of the water, but to cast out the Gospel message to others to "catch them up" in God's love and mercy.

Jesus wants us to live a lifestyle of evangelism, of casting our nets and catching men.  He desires that it not be a hobby that happens a few weekends over the summer, but an entire lifestyle that sweeps us up and consumes us.  We don't have to be street preachers or Bible-thumpers, we are called to love people and be Jesus with "skin on".

God is daring us to go on a permanent fishing become people who lead people to Jesus.

Today, I will lead people as God has called!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 28 - Rely on His Presence

And teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.  Matthew 28:20

"The mission of God is impossible without God.  God's presence makes the mission possible.  Without God working through the disciple-making process, an untrained, undisciplined person will have niether hope nor chance of becoming a fully devoted follower of Christ."  - p. 115 of "The Discipleship Dare" by Jess Bousa.

I used to say this prayer as I would venture out into my day:
   God, go before me, prepare the steps that I am to take today.
   God, go with me, show me what to say and do, keep me on the path you've prepared for me.
   God, go behind me.  Clean-up whatever messes I made and finish the work you started in me and  

If left to my own devices, I would choose the wrong path, over and over...and over...and over.  But with God...all things are possible!  God shows me the path to walk.  He leads me.  He guides me.  He gently (and sometimes not so gently) nudges me when I'm headed in the wrong direction.  His Holy Spirit goes before me, He goes with me, He follows behind me.

In the same manner He is working in me...He is working through me to help disciple and teach others.  His Holy Spirit uses me as His instrument to share Christs' love with others.  It can be as simple as a smile or a hello.  It can be a hug or an arm on the shoulder.  It can be words that are said.  Encouragement.  Teaching.  Correcting.  Rebuking.  Always in love.

God dares me to rely on His presence to make disciples.  I can't convert a single soul, but God!  Through prayer, God's Holy Spirit and a sole-reliance on Him, I resolve to depend on Him to make disciples of all matter how impossible the task seems.

Day 27 - Teaching Obedience

And teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.  Matthew 28:20

One of the things my dad used to say to us, when we were kids, was "do as I say, not as I do".  This was in our questioning as to why we couldn't do things he was doing.  I never did like that saying.

The best teaching and discipleship comes from modelling - a "do as I do" mentality and lifestyle.  People are more likely to see your actions before they hear your words. 

If you want to teach obedience in discipleship, in following Christ, then be someone who is being discipled and following Christ.  Let people imitate what they see in you...not just mere words that you are saying.

God dares us to teach radical obedience to His word and His commands.  But He doesn't just dare us to teach it, He dares us to live it.

Be an example of radical obedience and others are more likely to hear you teach radical obedience.

Day 26 - Community Baptism

Therefore Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Matthew 28:19

At first, the title can throw you off a bit.  What is Jess saying here, "That we should have communal baptisms...everyone the same time..."

No.  It's a commitment that as baptism commits to live a life in Christ, as Christians, we are to commit our lives to one a community of believers.  We are to stop seeing the world as me-centro...but to start putting others first, living sacrificially for others.

This is the last week of a 21-day fast that our church is participating in.  I have felt like God has challenged me to serve my roommate the entire week, this has been a practical service, but it has felt very spiritiual to me the entire week.  I have cooked every meal, washed all the dishes, put her breakfast and lunches together for her to grab in the morning.  It has been something that I've enjoyed doing.  Usually, I would grumble and complain at some point about having to do all the dishes or cooking...but this has been a time of learning to put others first and actually liking it.

Today's Dare - God dares you to live sacrificially and to prayerfully resolve to love people sacrificially no matter what it costs.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 25 - Be Water Baptized

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Matthew 28:19

Baptism has been described in many ways, but I like the words best of a young boy in our church, "It's showing that I'm on God's Team."

This Sunday (1/31) is our first water baptism service in our new building.  I don't know how many are being baptized, but I know there are quite a few.  It's an exciting time as testimony after testimony is told of how Christ saved each life and changed them into who they are becoming.

I am reminded of the day I was water-baptized.  I had been a Christian for just a few short months.  The pastor had announced that there would be a water baptism service following at the River for those interested.  Anyone who had made a profession of faith could be baptized.  I felt this was a necessary next-step in my walk with God.  I hadn't come prepared to be water baptized other than a heart willing to heed the call to be baptized.

It was the end of October in Potsdam, NY and it was cold outside.  It didn't matter.  I went into the water with my jeans and sweater to be baptized.  (After, I had to walk just over a mile home in soaking wet clothes).  But I remember the feeling that I participated in something so much bigger than I.  I had gone through the same motions that even Christ Himself participated in.  I wasn't being initiated into a faith or a denomination, I was publicly identifying myself with Christ.

Just yesterday, I spoke with our Crossroads group (grades 5-7) about being water baptized.  Many of them had already been baptized, one was going to be baptized this Sunday and another was to be baptized this summer by her grandfather.  It's great knowing that these students understand and have been faithful to fulfill this call in their life.

I take today's DARE to continue to share with others the importance of being water baptized.

Day 24 - Be a Disciple-Maker

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Matthew 28:19

I am so amazed at how we've taken the "Go" part of the Great Commission and programmed it to death, but we've neglected the "make disciples".

There's popular "evangelism technique" being taught all over the world on how to share your faith with others.  They usually involve a "cold call" type of evangelism where you meet random people off the street and share the Gospel with them.  Now, there is a time and a place for this type of evangelism, but it only takes one of several parts of the Great Commission.  The "Go" part. 

Now, I'm not knocking any of these programs.  I have spent countless Friday and Saturday nights walking down the streets in my college town just randomly stopping people and talking to them about Christ.  Not a single one of them ever showed up at my church or a bible study.  But, I used to knock on doors at college in the dorms and my best friend (and my current roommate) did come to one of my bible studies, got saved, I discipled her and now it's 15 years later - she's still serving the Lord.

I have found the greatest impact you can have on one's life is to share yours.  That's what discipleship is about - sharing your life with Christ with others.

I am taking this DARE.  As a result of this book, I am now discipling two young ladies with this Discipleship Dare Book.  We are taking the time to share what God is speaking and allowing God to help us all to grow as a result.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 23 - Jesus' Authority

Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Matthew 28:18

God has authority over all things.  He gave that authority to Jesus.  Jesus has given it to us - to make disciples. 

His authority is not for wielding power or Lordship over others...His authority is for God's purpose - to make disciples.

In the past few dares, God has been speaking to me about using the opportunities around me to disciples others.  So far, I am discipling a teen in my church and will begin discipling a college student tomorrow.  One of my sister's called and mentioned that she is taking a humanities class this semester and will need my assistance in the Bible portion of the class.  Coincidence?  I think not.

God is up to something and I'm just crazy enough to believe that He wants to use me.

I take today's Dare - to receive His authority to reproduce the Life of Christ in others through Discipleship.  I will do God's work, God's Way!

Day 22 - Be a Worshipper

Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go.  When they saw him, they worshiped Him; but some doubted.  Matthew 28:16-17

God asked me point blank - Am I satisfied in Him?  If I were satisfied in Him, then it would not be a strain on me to worship Him.  Keeping a time of daily devotion to Him wouldn't be a strain. 

Am I satisfied in Him or is there another who has my affection?

This is a big challenge.  I've spent moments in prayer and worship to God today, but I had to make myself do this devotional time.  Am I too hard on myself or do I need this kick to be where God wants me to be?

I choose to satisfy myself in Him!

Father - forgive me for turning affections from you to other stuff.  I want to be wholly satisfied in you alone.  Help me to walk-out your Will for my life.  In Jesus Name - Amen.

Day 21 - Be Salt & Light

You are the salt of the earth...You are the light of the world.  Matthew 5:13-16

AS I read today's dare, I felt like God was speaking the following to me:

It's too easy to be influenced by those around us, especially if I don't know my purpose when I'm planted.  God is telling me to be an influence.  Young people really do want to grow in the Lord and God has planted me as salt and light for those where I'm at.  People are attracted to light.  God is reminding me there are those that I am the only light they will ever see.

I'm feeling the challenge to sow into those around me.  It's time to start discipling more actively and intently.  I need to start pouring into the students more and more.  Even adults.  God is opening doors for me to disciple others. 

Hmmm - God is up to something there.

I take this dare.  IN fact, I'm putting it into practice now!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 20 - Reward in Heaven

I don't have my book in front of me, so I'll have to add the verse later.

I have been thinking about this Dare all day.  I have been thinking about how worldly we are.  We don't even realize the ways.  I was talking to a young lady that I disciple about her journey with the Discipleship Dare and she had a moment last week where God asked her to get rid of some material possessions.  She said she stood there and cried as she was trying to discern whether or not this really was from God.  She took those items and they are now removed.  They were something that she felt that had a foothold (no matter how small) on her life that needed to go.

This morning, I woke up rather early.  I spent time thinking about various things and kept going back to the state of the closets in our home.  We have so much junk in them.  So, I got up and that's what I did today, I cleaned out the closets.  I threw away a lot of stuff and expired products.  I feel so much better now.  As I was journaling about it, God reminded me how "spiritual" this act was.  As our church is in the middle of a corporate fast, we are spending time purging and arranging the state of our spiritual souls.  In this same manner, this is an outward action reflecting the purging of my material possessions.

It reminded me, what am I collecting all this for?  If my reward is in Heaven, then material items are of no value to me.  I need to find material/emotional/physical items that are keeping me from walking the walk that God is calling me to walk.  These items only get in the way.

So today, I resolve to take the Dare to endure whatever necessary to gain my reward in Heaven!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 19 - Endure Persecution

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of God. ~ Matthew 5:10

Today's Dare reminds me of the Dare on Day 3 - Take Up Your Cross.

Both are the same in that our faith and relationship with Christ needs to be visible and seen by others.  If it's not, then there's no chance of being persecuted.  (And, in the words of Jesus - you cannot be my disciple - Luke 14:27).

I don't think given the choice, that I would ever choose persecution.  But, if given the choice, I would never deny my Lord. 

But , the two usually go hand-in-hand - Persecution and Christianity.  It seems those who don't follow Christ (not all, but some) tend to go out of their way to "persecute" christians.  They will swear and use the Lord's name in vain purposefully when the Christian is within ear-shot.  They will try to tell you unholy jokes.  They just try to make you miserable.

If we're persecuted, we are to "count it all joy".  I remember once in college talking to some people in the hallway of the dormitory about a Bible study or something on that topic.  A few guys walked by, heard what we were saying and starting making crude comments to one another.  As they passed by and turned to go up the stairwell (at which I was standing under), one of them spit in my hair.  At first, I thought, did he just do what I think he did?  And then I got a big smile on my face and thought, "I just got persecuted for being a Christian.  Thank you Lord."  Whoever thought a loogie in my hair would make me happy.

Now, I don't ever want to have that experience again.  It's a disgusting thing, but I knew in that moment that just being a christian brings about persecution in ways we would never consider.

Today, I take the dare to live unashamedly and fearlessly a life marked with godly character no matter persecution I endure.

(For more on "The Discipleship Dare" by Jess Bousa, go to  Start your dare today!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 18 - Love all People

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called Sons of God.  (Matthew 5:8)

People don't care how much you know.  They care how much you care (Mariann Paraphrase of someone's quote).

That is so true.  We will never win people to the kingdom of God in anger and pushing and shoving.  They are won by consistent Love, Kindness and Gentleness.  They don't necessarily hear the Gospel you preach, they see it in your actions.

I remember this woman from a church I went to in my college days.  There was this one woman, Joyce.  She loved God.  Her husband, not so much.  She came to church faithfully every Sunday, she taught Sunday school, served when needed.  She was faithful.  But more so, she loved and served her husband.  Everytime we took prayer requests, she prayed for her husbands salvation.  This went on for years. 

A few years ago, Joyce went home to be with the Lord.  At her funeral service, where my pastor officiated, her husband came up to the pastor afterward and prayed the prayer of salvation. 

What won him?  It wasn't Joyce preaching and nagging him into the kingdom. It was her faithfulness as his wife and his lover.  She served him.  She loved him.  She prayed for him. 

Her husband now serves the Lord because of her faithfulness to love her husband into the kingdom, not push or shove or nag.

Today, I take the dare to love people into the kingdom of God and to love all people as members of your family.

(For more on "The Discipleship Dare" by Jess Bousa, please check out )

Day 17 – Be a Peacemaker

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called Sons of God. (Matthew 5:8)

I have to admit, today God is speaking to me about this Be-attitude. I have a relationship that has been in the process of reconciliation, but I know I am dragging my feet to take the initiative to get it resolved. I was waiting on them to respond. I cannot continue to do this. I am challenged. I have been praying for them. I have asked God for forgiveness for what caused the “rift”. I have repented and set-up safeguards to prevent it from happening again, but I have not personally asked this person for their forgiveness.

I take this Dare today and resolve to take the initiative to set-up a time to meet with this person. If I love them, then it’s worth the effort.

Thank you God for speaking to me directly on this issue. I prayerfully resolve to bring this out to completion. In Jesus Name – Amen.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 16 - Be Pure

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.  (Matthew 5:8)

Integrity.  Purity of Heart.  These should be the trademarks of anyone calling themself a Christian.  A person of integrity does the right thing, even when no one is looking.  Here's the deal, I know.  God knows. 

I love that Jess Bousa points out that a person of integrity has the most accountability.  I believe what may be lacking in many christians is accountability.  I have learned recently how the lack of accountability caused me to make some stupid mistakes in my past.  I didn't have that person or persons to bounce ideas and discussions with.  I was left to my own device.  Let's just say, that didn't go so well.
Now, I have a network of accountability to help me with where I'm at personally and with any ministry involvement I might have.  I feel more comfortable and free to be about God's business.  It's almost as if there's a safety net to catch me.

God is daring me to be a person of integrity.  I prayerfully resolve to strive for purity in all areas of life so that I might walk it out full of integrity.  Bringing Him glory and honor.

(Just a note, sorry that my blogs have not been consistent.  I am striving to be more consistent).

Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 15 - Show Mercy

Matthew 5:7
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

I am currently in a state of awe over the state of affairs in Haiti. It’s so much devastation. I was looking through photos of the effects of the earthquake and you can see the desperate need. If you look at any of the faces, there’s a sense of hopelessness, of great loss. They need a love and mercy, not condemnation and empathy. They need us not to be just compassionate, but to show our compassion. This is the way I feel God speaking to me about today’s dare.

I am saddened, whether or not there’s any truth in the statements, by the response of a well-known leader in the Christian church. What these people need right now is not condemnation and doomsday prophetic words from the Scripture, they need hope. They need to be fed. They need water. They need their physical needs met. When these are met, there will be time to deal with their spiritual state. But until then, we must be merciful and full of compassion.

Today, I take the DARE: to follow in Jesus’ footsteps by living a life marked by generous acts of mercy.

Day 14 - Find Satisfaction in Him

Matthew 5:6
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

Our church is in the first week of a 21-day Corporate Fast.  There's no better example of how we find our satisfaction in Him than when we are denying ourselves food and earthly pleasures.  I am finding it difficult, but have made it part of the discipline to seek God when I am hungering or thirsting.  I am finding my sustenance and my strength in God alone, for that's all I got right now.

When I read today's Dare, I felt like God was speaking to me about this fast.  That's what this fast is all about - a time to seek after God and find my satisfaction in Him alone.  I am fighting a battle against the flesh so that the Spirit will rise and be strengthened.

If I want to see God do big things, I need to be where God is...doing big things.  My heart is to be used by God and be so full of His power.  It's time to turn my affections from the things of this world and find my satisfaction in Him.

No longer will I seek the pleasures of this world when the option is to find pleasure in Him!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 13 - Pursue Righteousness

Matthew 5:6
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

I'm expected, as a follower of Christ, to be a world-changer.  I'm expected to pursue righteousness and to live a life of maturity.  In my observations of this dare, I recognize that too often I expect things in the world to change, but I am too much of the world and do not want me to change.

If I want to make a difference in the world, I have to be different from the world.  God is calling me to come out and be separate...If I'm to make a difference in the world, I can't be looking like everyone else, pursuing the same pursuits. 

If I were to pursue God and His righteousness, things would definitely be different.  If my life is different, those who I have contact with will be affected.  One by one, I would be changing the world.

My prayer today, in committing to this dare, is that God would help me to pinpoint areas in my life that need to be changed, help me to deny "self" and to pursue His righteousness.  May I be different from the world so I can make a difference in the world!

In Jesus Name!

(If you'd like to check-out the dare for yourself, please go to . )

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 12 - Resolving to be Meek

Matthew 5:4
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

Meek is not a word that I've EVER used to describe me. 

I am very strong-willed and exercise my right to be in complete control as often as necessary (which is most of the time).  But lately, God has had some other plans for me.  He's challenged me to sit.  Not to talk.  Not to take control.  He's challenged my humility.  He's asked me not to attempt stepping ahead of Him.


I'm not the patient "wait for it" type of person.  I'm more like that lawyer commercial where the guy is yelling out the window, "It's my money and I want it now."  I don't want to wait. 

God is daring me to be balanced, not exercisign my right to be right.  (Today's Dare). 

Today, I prayerfully resolve to be meek no matter how long I have to wait...and wait...and wait.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 11 - Comfort others in Times of Pain

Matthew 5:4
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

It's difficult to find hope when you are in a painful place of loss or hurt or discouragement.  But when we find the hope, we can find the much-needed healing and/or forgiveness.

I recently went through a period where I had been confronted in some areas of my life.  The confrontation itself was brutal.  I felt completely crushed and broken.  I felt like everything was stripped down to the foundation.  I wrestled with doubt and discouragement.

But there was a time as I continued to seek the Lord and His forgiveness that I saw a glimmer of hope.  The more I walked the road of repentance and forgiveness, the more hope flooded my life.  I had great counselors walking through this with me, carrying me, encouraging me, loving me.

I am nearing the end of this particular journey.  I now see the importance of HOPE.  I see the importance of having "comforters" to help you through.

Today's dare challenges me to be hopeful in my time of loss so that I can comfort others in their time of pain. 

Day 10 - Kingdom of Heaven

Matthew 5:1-3Now when He saw the crowds, He went up on a mountainside and sat down.  His disciples came to Him, and He began to teach them saying, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.

Today's DARE is asking me to prayerfully resolve to usher in God's kingdom, no matter how much my character must change.

  • God is most strong in me when I am at my weakest.  The more I empty myself of "self", the more God fills me with HIM.
  • When I am empty of all that is worldly, there is a place for God's kingdom to dwell.
God is calling me to live for Him.  I have accepted those commitment dares and have been challenged to live that out.  But in order for me to "usher in God's kingdom", there are areas in my life that need to be broken, put in place or removed.  If I want to more for Christ, I need to be less for me.

Today, I resolve to allow God to do what He needs with my character so that I can be a part of ushering His kingdom into the present.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 9 - Poor In Spirit

Matthew 5:1-3:
Now when He saw the crowds, He went up on a mountainside and sat down.  His disciples came to him, and He began to teach them saying:  "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God."

Humility - not a word that I use to describe myself.  Yet, isn't that what I'm supposed to be?

I have been going through a season of what I'm calling "pruning".  I've been broken, ok, crushed.  All I thought was mine is no longer.  My pride - broken.  My towers - torn down.  I have been at the lowest possible place I've ever been since the building of my foundation on Christ.  Everything I thought was beautiful and strong and "godly" was found to be lacking in the eyes of Christ.  The fire of God has cleared my self-made altar and reminded me that anything not built by the Lord is in vain.

I have realized this one thing - without God, I am nothing.  I have nothing. 

If I'm allowed to say, I like where I'm at.  I wouldn't trade this experience for anything.  I have almost watched what God is doing in my life as a second person and am in awe of who I am becoming.  I don't say this with any pride or arrogance.  I say this out of a heart that is truly thankful for God's grace and mercy on my life.  I say this out of a heart that has realized what I thought was "gifting" or "confidence" was actually pride and arrogance.

God has broken me exactly where I've needed to be broken.  He has crushed my self-made altars and reminded me who is God - and it's not me!  He's also reminded me that I can do nothing without Him.  I am nothing without Him.

Today's DARE hits me right at home.  I am praying for God to show me areas of my life where I am not completely dependent on Him and areas that I might be building my own wood/hay/stubble altars before Him.

(Check out Jess Bousa's book, "The Discipleship Dare" at

Day 8 - Living a Life of Sacrifice

It’s been one week since I started the DISCIPLESHIP DARE. For the past 7 days, the DARES have challenged my COMMITMENT to Jesus Christ. Today, starts a fresh theme of DARES challenging my CHARACTER.

Matthew 5:1-3:
Now when He saw the crowds, He went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to Him, and He began to teach them saying, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Today’s Character dare:
The foundation for the transformation of your character is sacrifice. Living a life marked with great sacrifice calls for an extreme alteration of your character. Today, prayerfully resolve to live a life marked with godly character no matter who challenges you to be anything other than a pitcher.

The foundation of my faith is solid. That was confirmed as I did the first 7 dares challenging my commitment to Christ. But what I’ve built upon my foundation, well, that’s another story!

In the past few months, God has really been pointing His finger on areas of my character that are…might I say, shaky. They are areas that are not what they should be. God knows it. Others around me know it. I now know it. I want to live for Christ, as He’s called me to live, but I can’t do it without working on these areas of weakness in my character.

I am grateful for my circle of accountability, my church family. I am grateful for their honesty, their challenge, their belief that God has something more for me. It’s through their careful rebuke and correction, that I have been walking through this process of building a stronger character that is pleasing to the Lord.

I want to live a life of sacrifice, a life that is “sacrificial” for God, but there have been cracks in my character that have prevented me from being the “sacrifice” I desire.

Thank God He is so forgiving and allows us to rebuild.

I resolve to live a life marked with godly character. I take this DARE!

(For more information on Jess Bousa’s “The Discipleship Dare”, please go to

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 7 – Fit for Service

Luke 9:61-62
Still another said, “I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say good-by to my family.” Jesus replied, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the Kingdom of God.”

“No turning back…no turning back.”

God is speaking very clearly to me on this issue of looking back.

• If I am constantly looking back at what was or what could have been, then I’m not looking at where I am now. I am only looking at where I’ve been.

• If I am looking back, I could get lost in all the failures and mistakes that I’ve done and this could cripple me or cause me to fall out of God’s Will in my life.

All these things keep me from what God is doing now or what He wants to do. I can’t be used by God to move His kingdom forward when I am constantly turned, looking at the “has beens” or the “shoulda beens”.

It’s time for me to stop dwelling on the mistakes of my past and start taking the steps forward to serve God wholeheartedly. It’s time for God’s release in my life – it’s time to step out, step FORWARD into God’s plan for my life.

What’s happened has happened. It’s time to shake off, get on my feet and wholeheartedly go after God!

(Check out Jess Bousa's "The Discipleship Dare" at

Day Six - Feed My Sheep

John 21:17, 19
The third time He said to him, "Simon, Son of John, do you love me?"  Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him a third time, "Do you love me?"  He said, "Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you."  Jesus said, "Feed my sheep" . . . then He said, "Follow me!"

Each day has built upon each other.  So far, five dares:
  • Follow me
  • Deny Yourself
  • Take up your cross
  • Sell your possessions
  • Love others less than you love God
And now, Love others in a way that changes their world!

I envision a child who has just finished eating a very messy dinner.  The dinner is on their face, their forehead, their hands and arms, their clothes.  When they stand up, they want a big hug from you, not because they want to mess you up, they just want to love you.

I am that messy child.

God already knows I am less than perfect.  He already knows what areas I struggle with in denying myself.  He already knows my weakness in carrying the loving others...yet, He still challenges me to make a difference in someone else's life.


I'm already a mess, yet God chose me to "feed His sheep"???  Won't that just make matters worse?

Somehow, no.

Jesus saw the potential in Peter.  He saw his background, his mistakes, his failures.  He even knew that Peter would deny Him 3 times in the near future, yet, He saw Peter's heart and knew he was the one He would use.  And, he did great things for the Lord, as recorded in the book of Acts.

Jesus sees the potential in me.  I may doubt, fear, stumble and fall, but He still sees something in me.  If I love Him, then I will "feed His sheep".  Following Him is no easy thing.  I've already given Him my allegiance and made Him priority over self, family and my stuff.  Now, I am to give myself to others. 

I DARE YOU to do the same!

(Go to to start your DARES today!)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day Five - HATE!

Luke 14:25-26
Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them He said, "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters-yes, even his own life-he cannot be my disciples.

When I first started reading this DARE, I got images of “The Grinch”. There’s this scene where Jim Carey (as the Grinch) is standing outside the front door of his cave and he starts reading the phone book names and yelling out, “I hate you!”

Our God is a jealous God. He wants our reverence, 100%, undivided, devoted to HIM. If we have any ONE or any THING that we love more than Him, HE is jealous! Our pastor just preached on the first 3 commandments. He spoke of our need, God’s desire for REVERENCE. Anything that we put before God is an IDOL. We may not worship statues, stars or the sun, but that THING we place before God is an IDOL. And anything we idolize takes away and distracts us from the ONE TRUE God.

A few year’s back, I was at a praise/worship night somewhere in Upstate NY. During the evening, God asked me to put my sneakers on the altar. I remember a 45-minute battle between me and God over sneakers! It showed me one thing, anything can be a distraction – even a pair of sneakers. (I did eventually put the sneakers on the altar, as God had asked. Left the building barefoot).

From today’s DARE, I am challenged to search my heart and see if there is any ONE or any THING that I have more love than for God. I can’t let anything keep me from living out the call that God has on my life. I can’t let work, family or friends (sneakers) distract me from being a TRUE disciple of Christ.

If it takes away my focus from God…I HATE IT!

*If you're looking for a great resource to help you in your discipleship journey, check-out Jess Bousa's book, "The Discipleship Dare".  Join me on this DARE.  Check it out at

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day Four - Sell Your Possessions

Matthew 19:21
Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.  Then come, follow me."

Sell your possessions...Now that's a hard saying! 

As I was reading today's DARE, I was reminded of a recent situation.  I was in a home that was, let's just say, over-cluttered!  There was STUFF everywhere.  Every bookshelf and open spot was piled as tightly and as high as it could possibly go.  I thought to myself, "These people have too much stuff!"  It was obvious.

But don't we all carry to much STUFF???  We have our memorabilia...our hobbies...our collections...our status symbols...our past emotional hurts...our failures.  I have a lot of STUFF.  I'm a self-proclaimed pack-rat (but I'm working on it).  My roommate constantly jokes about all my electronics.  When I go running, I put on my heart-rate monitor, my Nike+ I-Pod attachments, my I-Pod, my ID bracelet...10-minutes later, I go running.  When did running become so complicated?  Do I really need all this stuff???

A few years ago, I had the opportunity to go to New Orleans to help out with some of the clean-up efforts from the effects of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.  One of the projects I worked on was to completely clean-out and gut this woman's house.  It had sat for an entire year untouched after 8-feet of water had completely flooded the area.  I was, I was STUNNED at the amount of JUNK this woman had in her home.  She had stock-piled garbage bags of clothes, toys and STUFF in her attic for the 30+ years she lived there.  She had kept all her kids (who were now adults) STUFF in their old bedrooms.  She had "hidden" possessions that I would be embarassed to even look at much less own.  She probably never thought anyone would ever know what she had.  But, we did.  Not only did we know, but everyone who was still in the neighborhood knew.  They knew because as we emptied her house, we piled everything she ever owned into a huge pile on her front lawn.  A HUGE PILE! 

It was during this time, I heard God's still small voice speak to me about my STUFF.  We think we can hide our STUFF.  We think our STUFF is private and that no one will ever see or know.  But there will come a time where that STUFF will either be sold and removed willingly, or it will be exposed publicly.

I like the analogy of the pack of a marine.  You only want to carry what you will need and use.  Everything else is just added weight.  In our Christian walk, God wants to use us.  But oftentimes, we are too weary carrying around our STUFF.  We've packed ourselves so tightly and so high that we cannot even function properly.  Our homes aren't places of fellowship and invitation because they are always packed with STUFF.  Our hearts aren't places where God can dwell because it is packed with too much of the STUFF that we should have let go of, dropped off, forgotten and/or forgiven.  But for whatever reason, we still hang-on.

I am committing to this DARE to "live with less so that I can give more." 

I've already made some of those decisions.  I have been unemployed for 6-months.  I have been finding ways to trim the budget, to save more, to continue to give.  I had to make a choice between 2 areas:  my 2 sponsor children Brazil or the gym.  I decided that they gym membership had to go.  In the process, my gym is willing to work with me on a lower rate.  I feel like God will bless me for making this decision.  I love going to the gym, but I feel that sponsoring these 2 children in Brazil is much too important.  I don't have cable. I don't have a landline or internet.  I have made these decisions because my tithes and my offerings are more important than any of these things.

I know there are other things that I need to be doing and will be praying toward that end.  I want to be a giver and allow the Lord to use my resources (finances, time and giftings) for His Glory!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day Three - Take Up Your Cross

Luke 14:27:
"And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple."

I like the quote from Mother Theresa:  A sacrifice to be real must cost, must hurt, must empty ourselves.  It's too easy for us to give out of our abundance.  But most of us are hard-pressed to give anymore. 

I had seen a quote recently by C.S. Lewis that said this, "The only safe rule is to give more than we can spare. Our charities should pinch and hamper us. If we live at the same level of affluence as other people who have our level of income, we are probably giving away too little."

Remember the widow who gave the two mites?  She gave all that she had.  It wasn't a great amount, but the sacrifice was huge.  I am constantly fighting the battle between my lifestyle and my giving.  I want this...I want that...but God! 

God wants us to trust Him with our everything.  He wants me...

Whatever is that thing that I hold dearly is also that thing that I need to be giving more of, if not all of.

The cross is no easy burden to bear.  It takes all we have to carry it.  In other words, we must let go of all other things that we carry...pride, reputation, that our spiritual hands are free to carry that cross. 

I am being challenged in the areas that my hands are busy and not carrying that cross.  What sacrifice could I bring to God but my life?  It's all I have that is of any heavenly value.  It's all that God would require.  Me.

I commit today to live out this third dare to Take Up My Cross and to follow Him.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Discipleship Dare - Day Two

Mark 8:34:
Then He called the crowd to Him along with His disciples and said, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."

I love bumper stickers! Whoever thought of putting a few witty words on a sticker on the bumper of a car was ingenius.

As I am reading through today's discipleship dare, I am reminded of a bumper sticker that we, as Christians (maybe even some of you reading this blog), have place on our vehicles.

It says, "God is my co-pilot."

It makes me cringe everytime I see it. Why? Because that means God is #2, not #1.

All of us want to be the "captain of our own souls". We want to be in control. I, for one, do not like to be out of control. I like to know that I am completely in control of the circumstances around me. I decide when the alarm goes off in the morning. I decided what I'm going to wear and how to do my hair. I decide what I'm going to eat for breakfast. I...I...I...

God is calling me to a life of self-denial, "to deny myself and take up his cross". It means, I let go of I and let HIM have control. It means I put aside my selfish desires, my personal agenda, and let God take me where He will.

If I am heeding the dare to follow Him (Day 1), then I need to put aside my own "directions", to deny myself the control that I so desperately believe I need, and let God direct my path.

Self-denial is not the putting on of sackcloth and ashes and looking all forlorn. Self-Denial is a daily, moment by moment awareness that God is in control. It's a hearing of that still small voice of the Holy Spirit guiding me. It's the denying of any momentary pleasures to allow God to mold and shape me into who He wants me to be. It's being available, obedient and aware of Him at ALL times.

Today, I take the Dare to live out God's plan for my life, no matter where He leads. I choose to let go and let God be in control.


Friday, January 1, 2010

Day One - Committing to Follow Him

MATTHEW 4:18-21

As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” At once they left their nets and followed Him. Going on from there, He saw two other brothers, James son of Zebedee and his brother John. They were in a boat with their father Zebedee, preparing their nets. Jesus called them, and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed Him.

Observation #1:

They weren’t prepared…or were they.

They didn’t have a Bible Degree or attend a Seminary. They weren’t responding to an altar call in a church service. They weren’t even sitting in their “prayer closet” on a 40-day fast or waiting on God - they were living their lives. They were normal guys doing their normal jobs – fishing.

That’s when Jesus called them.

Many of us spend way too much time trying to get God’s attention by doing Godly things, but we’re not being obedient and doing those things that God has called us to do. Maybe if we volunteer for one more church activity or attend church every time the door is open, then, God will notice and “pick” me. We think there’s one more study or one more day of fasting and prayer…but God’s not looking for that.

He’s looking for us to be doing what He’s called us to do. For each of us, it’s different. Some of us are called to be in Bible School or Seminary. Some are called to provide for their families is a secular workplace. Others are called to take care of their families. But we think there’s something else we need to be doing.

We make the “Calling” to be something much more complicating than it is. God calls each of us. The question is, “ARE WE LISTENING” or are we being too busy trying to get God’s attention?

Observation #2:

The 4 disciples IMMEDIATELY dropped what they were doing and followed Jesus. They didn’t stop and “pray about it”. They didn’t take time to consult with each other or their friends or a pastor. They dropped their nets. They followed Him. Two of them even left their father in the boat with the nets.

It was simple. Jesus called them to follow, they followed.

We make it way too complicated. We stop. We think about it. We pray about it. We fast and pray. We consult mentors and accountability partners. I’m not saying these things aren’t important, there is a time and place for all of them, but do we complicate the simple calling of Jesus in our lives and try to over-spiritualize what God is calling us to do – SIMPLY follow Him!

As this is the first day of a new year, a new decade, I want to simplify my following of Jesus. I want to learn to hear His voice and IMMEDIATELY follow Him. I want to hear His command and IMMEDIATELY be obedient.

If I’m already doing those things that I should be: praying, fasting, reading His Word…then, I don’t need to stop and do those things when I hear His voice. I am already prepared.

I commit today to DAY 1’s Dare: to follow Him. Today, I commit to follow Him in this New Year, to where He leads me, to whom He leads me.

"The Discipleship Dare: Living Dangerously for God"

"The Discipleship Dare: Living Dangerously for God" by Jess Bousa.

I have agreed to participate in the Discipleship Dare's 40-day Challenge. For the next 40-days, I will be blogging my discipleship journey.

My expectation: To Grow in Spiritual Maturity and Intimacy with the Lord as I set time aside to read and study His Word, pray and commit to the daily DARES.