Sunday, May 2, 2010

No major strides in my faith journey this week. I've been wrestling with insecurity. I need to grasp that God is fully capable of using me...just as I am.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Moving on...

The 40-day Discipleship Dare has been over since mid-February...but living out the dares has continued.

In fact, I am currently using "The Discipleship Dare" with 3 teen girls at my church.  We are about half-way through the book.

But, if you're interested, I have started a new series of blogs I'm entitling "Faith in 2010".  Basically, I am blogging the journey I'm on of being unemployed, seeking a job and seeking God's direction for full-time ministry.  I have just started this blog so there's no time like the present to hop on over and check-out what's happening.

It's going to be a wild ride, so hang on for all it's worth!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 40 - Be a GIVER!

For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.  John 3:16

Sacrificial Giving???  Most people struggle with "out of my excess" giving...but God has called us to sacrificial giving.

I remember hearing a woman speak who had the opportunity to go to Calcutta, India.  She was working in the same orphanages that Mother Theresa was working in.  She spent the week touching and loving the unlovables.  She hugged leppers.  She loved the orphans.  She gave until she had nothing left to give.  At the end of the week, she had the opportunity to meet Mother Theresa.  M.T. asked her, "Did you give until you had nothing left to give?".  The woman said, "yes."  M.T. replied, "Now give some more."  That's sacrificial giving - when you give until you have nothing left to give, then you give some more.

It's easy to throw a $20 bill in the basket for a missionary or whatever on a Sunday morning, when that $20 is out of the excess of our budget.  But how many of us would reach into our wallet and give the $5 bill if it were the last $5 for the week and we needed gas for our car or a snack on the way home?  We give out of our excess, but we don't often give sacrificially.

Jesus gave everything He had for the advancement of the Kingdom and out of obedience to His Father.  He gave up his rightful place at the right-hand of the Father.  He stopped at nothing, eventually giving His very life!

I want to be a sacrificial giver, giving everything I have out of obedience to God.  I want to be the hands and feet of Jesus (or as I've heard, Jesus with skin on).

Father - Help me to see ways to be a sacrificial giver in my family, my community, my church so that others would see Jesus in me.

God dares me to give sacrificially - to give until it hurts, then share Christ.

I am daring you, if you haven't already, to start "The Discipleship Dare" by Jess Bousa.  This has been an amazing 40-days that has challenged and helped me to grow in my relationship with Christ.  Please check-out his web-site at for ordering info.  It's definitely worth the investment!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 39 - Called to Serve

Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.  Matthew 20:28

If there's anyone on the face of the planet at any point in history who had the right and the position and the authority to claim themself to be GREAT and MIGHTY - it was Jesus!

But He didnt!

He didn't come to be served, He came to serve.  He came to set the example for His disciples and the people of God (us) to be servants.  He led by example.  He didn't flaunt His rightful place and position, He flaunted His love and humility - through acts of service. 

Serving others is not always an easy task.  It's easy to serve people you like and love.  It's easy to serve nice people who are nice to you.  But it's not always easy to serve the unlovely or those who are mean or cruel towards you.  Yet, Jesus served Judas, the one who would betray Him.  He washed His feet, even though He would deliver Him to His death. 

We are to be shining examples of be a servant.  We should be as Jesus, donning the towel and bowing before the feet of others.  We should do so - lovingly - with the love of Christ.  He showed His love by serving others.  He showed His love by ultimately giving His life on the cross, hanging shamelessly before all the world.  He did so, to serve mankind.

May I be an example of Christ's love in my SERVE.  May I learn to love and serve others with the same grace and humility that Jesus showed.  May I serve those who are lovely and may I serve those who are not.  May there not be anyone that I wouldn't be willing to serve!

Father - Help me to improve my serve for you.  Help me to humble myself, take up the towel and gently and lovingly wash the feet of those whom you've given me to serve!  In Jesus Name - Amen.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 38 - Called to Love

Jesus replied, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it:  Love your neighbor as yourself.  All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.  Matthew 22:37-40

You know what God reminded me of - how His love is unconditional.  No matter where I was at in life, no matter what wrongs I've committed or words I've said against Him, HE STILL LOVES ME!

There is nothing that I can do to have Him love me any more...there's nothing I can do to have Him love me any less.  That is HIS unconditional love towards me.

In the same manner, we are to love Him back - unconditionally.  It's not God and...It's just GOD!  I want to love Him with all my heart and my soul and my strength. 

He is also asking us to extend this same love - the love He gave to us unconditionally...the love that we are extending to Him - to others.  People have enough hate in their loves.  Isn't it time for God's people to do what we were created to do - love???

We easily show our love and affection to those close to us.  Sometimes, we even show God's love in practical ways to our neighbors and friends.  But, when was the last time you loved, expecting nothing in return?  I've had the opportunity to go to the New Orleans area 3 x's since the hurricanes hit.  Each time, I participated in various relief / rebuilding efforts.  I don't know how many times I would be sanding drywall or hammering a nail in a roofing shingle and have tears flowing down my cheeks.  This was my act of love for someone I didn't even know.  Every swipe of the sandpaper...every pound on the act of love.

This weekend, a great opportunity was given to the people of God in the Northeast - a record snowfall.  It was a great opportunity for the people of God to get off their duffs and show some practical love to their neighbors.  You know what I'm talking about - a shovel...some driveway...some sidewalk...

God is daring us to love on another without any returns, not expecing anything in return.  Today, I prayerfully resolve to make loving God priority #1 and loving people a daily habit!

Day 37 - Called to Forgive

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me?  Up to seven times?" Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times."  Matthew 18:21-22

Forgiveness is no easy thing for humans.  We love to keep records of wrongs done against us.  But God is asking us to forgive again...then, when you've forgiven, forgive again.  What Jesus is saying in these words is not how many times up to an exact number that we are to forgive...He is saying, "Don't keep count." 

The same forgivenss that was extened to me when I came to the cross of Calvary is the same forgiveness I am to extend to others.  I don't know about you, but when I came to Christ, I asked Him to forgive me of EVERYTHING!  That means, I am to forgive EVERYTHING! 

I can't change what's happened in the past, but I can change how I act and respond in the future. 

I don't need to be a doormat and say, "It's ok." everytime I've been wronged, but I do need to have an attitude of love and mercy (the same attitude Christ had for me) extended to those who've wronged me.

I take today's DARE to be a person who forgives people, no matter how great their sin or how hard their heart.  And, to be a person who asks for forgiveness when I have wronged someone.

Day 36 - Called to Live

The thief (DEVIL) comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.  I (JESUS) am the good shepherd.  The good shepherd lays down is life for the sheep.  John 10:10-11

Is my life passionate for God?  Am I living a life worth dying for?  God wants me to live an outright passionate life for Him.  That's the kind of life that draws attention to Him.  A lifeless life produces lifeless followers - how ever few.  A passionate life produces passionate followers hungry for more of God.

God is not impressed with the lifeless laziness (complacency) that comes from a majority of the church.  He's looking for people who are hungry for Him, who are passionate about the things of God, who are fishermen who are using LIFE-GIVING bait. 

I want fresh.  I want passion.  I want hunger. 

I want GOD!

Father - you have called me to live.  I want to live for you.  May I be full of your passion - full of your life - may I live my life worthy of dying for!  In Jesus Name - AMEN.